Take Cryptocurrency As Payment On WP Site

Take Cryptocurrency As Payment On WP Site

Free multi-cryptocurrency accounts with instant exchange

There are WordPress plugins that are gateways to the Cryptonator exchange. The GoURL series on WordPress.org or the website (https://gourl.io). I have been using these for about 8 months and have had no problems.

Cryptonator is an all-in-one online Bitcoin wallet which supports multiple cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE) and others. It enables fast and easy direct transactions and allows instant exchange between different cryptocurrencies in one personal account. Combining usability with high level privacy , anonymity and security, Cryptonator offers free multi-cryptocurrency accounts, which are accessible 24/7 worldwide on your laptop, desktop or mobile devices alike.

Cryptonator lets customers checkout in cryptocurrency, automatically convert received payments to USD or EUR and withdraw it to your bank account. Or just leave your received cryptocurrency payments on your Cryptonator account for future use. It`s up to you!

Sign up for a free account


Due Diligence


Mike Prettyman,
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
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