Could this delegate plan blow up the GOP?

Could This Delegate Plan Blow Up The GOP?


The Republican nomination process may be flipped on its head if a proposed amendment is passed just days before the convention, an amendment that is showing some support among party members.

Curly Haugland, a member of the GOP's standing rules committee, sent a letter to all GOP presidential campaigns and Republican National Committee members in November that he plans to present an amendment that essentially will allow any candidate who received a delegate to be placed back on the first ballot.

That means even candidates who have dropped out of the race could be considered for the nomination.

A voter receives a ballot at a polling place in Falls Church, Virginia.

Kevin Lamarque | Reuters

A voter receives a ballot at a polling place in Falls Church, Virginia.

"There will be eight candidates on the first ballot for the 2016 nomination for president," said Haugland, an unbound North Dakota delegate. "Those candidates worked very hard to win their delegates, and the voter deserves to have their vote count."

Haugland's amendment would replace Rule 40, which was passed during the 2012 convention that made it mandatory for any candidate who sought the GOP nomination to have the support of the majority of the convention delegates in eight states or more.

But Haugland said of his proposal: "This amendment would do the best job of honoring the votes of every voter participating in primaries or caucuses, because every vote that resulted in the allocation of a delegate to a candidate would be represented at the convention."

And Haugland has allies.

"Curly is right on this.The delegates have the power and ultimate authority in nominating the candidate. Not Priebus (RNC Chairman Reince Priebus) and the RNC," said A.J. Spiker, past state chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa and former senior advisor to Sen. Rand Paul's presidential campaign.

"The delegates can write any rule they want and pass it. They have that power. It's really a lie the Democrat and Republican establishments have pushed that the caucuses and primaries mean something. They don't. Just like the Electoral College decides who is the next president. It's the delegates who decide who the nominee is."

Haugland tells CNBC he did not write this amendment because he is "anti-Trump." It's about fairness and eliminating the big money influence in the nomination process. Haugland said the RNC lusts for money and is "hooked" on the primary process. "Big money wins primaries, and the RNC is selling these primaries and caucuses like commodities. We're talking about a half a billion dollars being spent in these contests. The money is going into the pockets of pollsters, pundits. … It's not right."

The RNC declined to comment to CNBC.

"The whole nomination process has been put on super steroids." agreed Gary Emineth, former chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party and an unbound delegate. "Curly's correct in that the process has been hijacked by big donor money and has broken away from the grass-roots movement. I can see why he wrote this amendment. We have become a party of special interests and money.

People are buying their way into office and they are blowing off the grass-roots organization which is what the Republican Party was built on. The party of Abraham Lincoln started out with people walking door to door and neighbor to neighbor encouraging people to join a philosophical belief to change their city, state, county and country."

Haugland stressed to CNBC,the rules to receiving the nomination are straight-forward, "There is no winner take all. No 1237. Republican rules forbid that. The nomination power rests in the hands of the delegates."

Riker agreed, saying the rules give the delegates the ultimate authority in deciding who the nominee would be, not the primary results, "If Trump fails to get the delegates by one delegate or even if he gets the so-called 'magic number,' the delegates can get together and throw him off the ballot if they wanted,"

Riker said. "If Trump is short that number I can guarantee you Trump will not get the nomination. He won't make it past the second ballot because he does not have the ground game at the convention."  


Ida Mae Boyd
MarketHive Alpha Founder
Skype me at imboyd681
please include in the Skype Contact message "Market Hive"



US Secret Service regrets delays to Gerry Adams’ visit to White House St Patrick’s event

US Secret Service regrets delays to Gerry Adams' visit to White House St Patrick's event


The American Secret Service has said it regrets delays which meant Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams did not attend a St Patrick's Day reception at the White House.

Mr Adams was told there was a security issue when he attempted to attend the event in Washington DC on Tuesday night.

He waited for about 80 minutes before deciding to leave. The US Secret Service said administrative errors were to blame.

In a statement, it expressed its regret that the issue had not been resolved in a more "timely manner".

"Unfortunately, an administrative input error received by the Secret Service was not able to be rectified promptly," the statement added.


Mr Adams had been invited to the annual shamrock ceremony which was hosted by President Obama.

He said he was subjected to "unacceptable and unprofessional" treatment.

As he tried to check in to the event, he was told a security issue had arisen.

His party colleagues, Martin McGuinness and Mary-Lou McDonald had already entered the celebrations.

"He (Mr Adams) stood to one side and he waited around, he waited around and he waited for something like between 80 and 90 minutes," said BBC News NI economics editor, John Campbell, who is covering events in Washington.

White House

Image captionWhite House staff stopped Mr Adams over an 'issue of security'

"By that stage I think people inside the room texted him to say President Obama had started speaking and at that point Gerry Adams decided that, well, he was going to leave.

"He wasn't technically refused entry but he was left hanging around for the best part of an hour and a half and then decided it wasn't worth his while staying any more, so he left."

'Treated differently'

Mr Adams said that he had been invited to the event and was "pleased to accept".

"When I arrived the staff at the White House informed me there was an issue of 'security'," he said.

"After two decades of travelling back and forth to the USA and countless meetings in the White House with successive US Presidents, this is an unacceptable development.

"It is obvious that there remain some within the US administration who seek to treat Sinn Féin differently."

Mr Adams added that Sinn Féin representatives had been denied entry or had to go through extra searches when travelling to the USA, while the State Department had also initially refused to meet him last year until "protest from US political leaders".


"Sinn Féin will not sit at the back of the bus for anyone," he said.

"I am hopeful that the controversy around my White House invitation will help lead to a resolution to all these matters."

Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams said being stopped from entering the White House was an 'unacceptable development'

Mr Adams told the BBC that Sinn Féin representatives often face enhanced security checks but they normally do not "broadcast" it.

He said what had happened was "bad manners and not a good way to treat guests".

He said he had not been embarrassed by the incident, adding: "I just deal with this in a non-personal way."

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald said it was "ludicrous" for Mr Adams to be stopped at the White House for unspecified security reasons.

The White House has not commented.

This article is from BBC NEWS


Ida Mae Boyd
MarketHive Alpha Founder
Skype me at imboyd681
please include in the Skype Contact message "Market Hive"


Entrepreneurship – The Exalted and The Diminished [video]

Entrepreneurship is about being remarkable.

This is an examination of how entrepreneurship is really viewed. This article will examine an individual from America and how he is seen as an entrepreneur. Then we will look at entrepreneurship at the very bottom, the landfill entrepreneur. We will look at the characteristics of both to see what we discover.

Entrepreneurial success at the top – The exalted

Elon Musk as one of Americas top successes is one of the most remarkable billionaire entrepreneurs in America. As of January 2016, he has an estimated net worth of US$12.4 billion, making him the 39th wealthiest person in the US. [Forbes]

As an entrepreneur, most of Musk’s wealth has come from starting and owning companies, rather than salary. He is Tesla’s biggest shareholder, with a 23 percent stake, runs closely held Space Exploration Technologies Corp. and is chairman of SolarCity Corp.

Entrepreneur Elon Musk is a man with a vision. The founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, SolarCity and SpaceX – all extraordinary companies in four completely different industries. Here is a short profile of the life of Elon Musk.

He grew up in South Africa without ever really considering himself South African. Like the rest of his family, he was just passing through. The Musks were a race nearly as much as they were a family, with a specialized awareness of themselves as wanderers and adventurers. Every Musk is able to tell the story of forebears whose accomplishments serve as an inspiration and whose energy endures as an inheritance — a grandfather who won a race from Cape Town to Algiers; a great-grandmother who was the first female chiropractor in Canada; grandparents who were the first to fly from South Africa to Australia in a single-engine plane. "Without sounding patronizing, it does seem that our family is different from other people," says Elon's sister, Tosca Musk. "We risk more."

Elon was born an entrepreneur into a family of entrepreneurs. His mother was a dietitian and a fashion model (and still is today) and his father, Errol, was an engineer and what a family member described as a "serial entrepreneur."

Today, he demonstrates the great drive of Entrepreneurship, his greatest asset is his will to succeed.

He takes and manages risks without concern and he does this daily. He witnesses his own failures almost every day and keeps moving forward.

Failures are those events that guide him on his path.

Is he remarkable? Yes, in a billionaire sort of way. He is obsessed with succeeding. His mission is to succeed in manifesting his “ideas”, not personal success and not the money, succeeding. Money is just a tool for chasing his ideas to successful completion.

Entrepreneurial success at the bottom – The Diminished

The most diminished of all Entrepreneurs

The Remarkable Landfill Children.

They are inspirational. They inspire because they too are born into entrepreneurship but they don't have entrepreneurial parents or homes or schools or safety or security. They have nothing but their own creativity and drive and their will to survive.

For those of you that are not familiar with what a landfill entrepreneur really is, let me introduce you to the members of the Landfill Harmonic, as an example.

Their Instruments May Be Garbage, But the Music Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes.”

Ever heard of a town built on a garbage dump? We hadn't until last year when I discovered a community on the outskirts of Asuncion, the capital of the tiny, impoverished South American country of Paraguay.

It's called Cateura and there is trash everywhere — in its streets, its rivers, in people's backyards — but I decided to take you to Cateura tonight, not because of the poverty or the filth, but because of the incredible imagination and ingenuity of the people who live there. This story is also a reminder that, ultimately, music will triumph everywhere and anywhere.

Garbage is the only crop in Cateura and the harvest lasts 12 months a year. It is Cateura's curse, its livelihood and the only reason people live here, providing hundreds of jobs to peasant farmers who were kicked off their plots by large land owners.

They are the Trash Pickers. It is their profession. They sift through the stench 24 hours a day, scrounging for anything they can sell — 10 cents for a pound of plastic, five cents for a pound of cardboard.

Cateura didn't exist before Paraguay's capital Asuncion started dumping its trash here. The town grew up around the garbage and became one of the poorest places in South America.

Twenty-five hundred families live here now. There is hardly any electricity or plumbing. The drinking water is contaminated. Many of the children move from broken homes to crime and drugs.

The residents of Cateura, Paraguay, don't just make a living from the massive garbage heap in their town. They also make music and the instruments to play.

You'll be amazed at what else people here are doing with this trash…just look and listen.

The "Landfill Harmonic"

(Landfill harmonic – La armonía del vertedero – Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura)

An orchestra for kids with instruments made from trash?

A cello made from an oil can and pieces of wood, that were thrown in the garbage; a saxophone made of spoons and buttons. These instruments are crafted by Nicolas, a 'recycler' with no previous experience making musical instruments, who is living 'hand-to-mouth' by the garbage dump in Catuera, Paraguay.

Inspired by this initiative and creativity, Maestro Luis Szaran, director of "Sounds of the Earth," formed the 'recycled orchestra,' with children living near the dump. "Our main goal isn't to form good musicians, but to form good citizens." Now 30 members strong, (and looking for more, for a full orchestra) listen to the sweet sounds of these 'recycled' instruments and the hopes and dreams of the children who play them. … Be Amazed and Inspired!



As demonstrated, entrepreneurship when viewed from this perspective, is a common essence that exists in all man kind and it is inextinguishable.

Elon Musk, the exalted, the remarkable, sees it as a step by step path to accomplishment, failures are just another step on the path to succeeding.

The landfill children, the diminished but remarkable, see no path nor do they have options to a path. The options for these children are very limited. Once in a great while an opportunity presents itself and is taken immediately and completely.

The children work hard each day to succeed as well, only they call it survival.

Both ends of this spectrum have the same qualities; inspiration, creativity, imagination, action, vision and risks. The Children of the Landfill are the most remarkable because they succeed in the most ”basic” way, through the veils of waste.

One attribute all successful billionaire entrepreneurs have in common is that they are willing to put everything they have on the line any time of the day. To them its all luck and risk. Its the same with the landfill pickers every day they put everything they have on the line, their survival.

Green Fire has a mission to improve the lifestyle of these amazing people and this amazing community.

Green Fire is preparing a crowd funding campaign for the implementation of Children of the Landfill – Village Project.

Note: Just in case you may have missed any of my previous blog posts, I post here on one of my active projects. It is a new social network for entrepreneurs, completely free, and very unique. It could be a great thing for your business. It is called MarketHive. Just click —-> HERE <—- to find out more.

If you are interested in participating in this effort to lift these children to inspiration, please join me in the Markethive group “Green Fire”. It is from here that we will start a crowd funding campaign to aid Green Fire in its mission.


Christine Lagarde: Thinking globally, speaking locally

IMF managing director calls for new technology, shifting policy to meet population growth.

Peter Dizikes | MIT New Office March 7, 2015

Original article, MIT Press

The relentless rise in world population during the century ahead means we must develop new technologies and policies to spur economic growth, said Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), while delivering MIT's Karl Taylor Compton Lecture on Friday.

In a sweeping overview of global demographics and their effects on our civic structures, Lagarde highlighted the many challenges of living on an increasingly crowded planet, including fiscal and environmental stresses. But she emphasized that a growing population need not portend a kind of doomsday scenario, as some have envisioned.

“We need to re-frame the debate about demographics,” Lagarde said. “I believe that this challenge can be met. But it requires the right policies, political resolve, and strong leadership. … The fiscal policy responses and technological innovation are especially important parts of the solution.”

The world population is currently around 7.5 billion people and is projected to grow to 10 billion about 40 years from now.

As Lagarde emphasized in her lecture, "Demographic Change and Economic Well-being: The Role of Fiscal Policy," population growth is bound up with some distinctly positive changes, such as greater life expectancy and a growth in per-capita income around the world. Globally, life expectancy has increased from 47 years to 71 years since 1950, and per-capita income has quadrupled since the end of World War II.

Yet having more people on the planet may also be associated with a slowdown in economic growth, Lagarde noted, because an aging population is less able to work and may be fiscally burdensome for states, due to larger costs associated with health care and retirement security.

Lagarde cited technology as a countervailing force to these trends, which spurs growth and lessens the costs embedded in our shifting demographics. She heralded MIT for its focus on “technological innovation,” saying it was “essential to raising living standards over the long term.”

Lagarde also unequivocally emphasized the need for robust government investment in scientific research and development (R&D). New IMF economic research, Lagarde noted, indicates that if governments of the world’s advanced economies took steps that increased private-sector R&D by 40 percent, they would improve long-run GDP in those countries by 5 percent.

Lagarde delivered her address before a capacity audience of around 1,200 people in MIT's Kresge Auditorium. The Karl Taylor Compton Lecture Series, which dates to 1957, is MIT's most prominent lecture event. It is named after MIT’s 10th president, who served from 1930 to 1948.

MIT President L. Rafael Reif introduced Lagarde, praising her “remarkable ability to bring the right players together” when addressing fiscal crises, in order to “keep the global economy on track.”

Reif also observed that Lagarde has demonstrated a distinctively “broad view of what topics should concern the head of the IMF,” from fiscal policy to “an aging population, to discrimination, to income inequality, to climate change.” And he heralded Lagarde’s groundbreaking accomplishments as the first woman to lead the IMF and the first woman to be finance minister of France, among other things.

“Our” alma mater

The IMF, founded in 1945 and now comprising 188 member countries, is an international organization that works to develop monetary cooperation, fiscal stability, and economic growth around the globe.

As Lagarde observed, there is a long-lasting intellectual connection between her organization and MIT. The last five chief economists of the IMF — Kenneth Rogoff, Raghuram Rajan, Simon Johnson, Olivier Blanchard, and Maurice Obstfeld — all received their doctorates at the Institute, a fact Lagarde termed “remarkable.” From the IMF’s point of view, she quipped, MIT could virtually be regarded as “our alma mater,” too.

Lagarde also praised MIT as a place that values “intellectual honesty and openness and relentless curiosity.”
In prescribing solutions to the demographic challenges of the 21st century, Lagarde listed a series of “game changers” that she said would be essential to grappling with the changes ahead.

One, she said, would be alterations to health care and retirement systems to manage costs. In health care, Lagarde suggested, we will need “more targeted spending, paying more attention to primary and preventive health care, promoting healthier lifestyles, and making more effective use of information technology.”

As part of this effort, Lagarde also asserted that governments would likely have to raise the retirement ages of workers to ease pensions expenses, although she acknowledged that “policymakers need to put in place a proper safety net for those who might not be healthy enough to work longer.”

Secondly, Lagarde said, the world needs better tax systems and more efficient public spending. She recommended expanding the use of value-added taxes, wider enforcement of taxes on multinational corporations, and more effective tax compliance in general.

And thirdly, Lagarde asserted, we need to promote economic growth in a variety of ways, from helping women participate in the work force to technological innovation.

“Higher growth means a fuller public purse and a more potent fiscal policy response to this demographic challenge,” Lagarde explained.

Energy in the room

As part of her second “game changer,” pertaining to taxes and spending, Lagarde put a notable emphasis on energy policy.

"Energy pricing is key, not only for the public purse, but for the planet," Lagarde said. She added: “This means more emphasis on energy taxation and less reliance on energy subsidies.”

Lagarde pointed to new IMF research estimating that global energy subsidies were $5.3 trillion in 2015, equivalent to a whopping 6.5 percent of GDP worldwide.

"This staggering figure, I believe very strongly, needs to come down," Lagarde said.

And after her lecture, Lagarde responded to follow-up questions from Reif, including one about energy and climate change. Today’s youth, Reif observed, constituted “the first generation to truly feel the impact of climate change, and the last that can do something about it.” He added: “What … are the most important steps to take now, and what can the next generation do?”

In response, Lagarde emphasized, "We strongly believe that if subsidies were removed and a carbon price properly set … that would go a long way toward addressing the climate change issues the world is facing.”  
Such policies, in that view, would limit the damage from fossil-fuel emissions, while helping the world experience the continued economic growth it needs to in light of its increasing population.

"Everything is better with growth," Lagarde said.

Reprinted with permission MIT Press.
MIT News homepage

Note: Just in case you may have missed any of my previous blog posts, I post here on one of my active projects. It is a new social network for entrepreneurs, completely free, and very unique. It could be a great thing for your business. It is called MarketHive. Just click —-> HERE <—- to find out more.

If you are interested in participating in this effort to lift these children to inspiration, please join me in the Markethive group “Green Fire”. It is from here that we will start a crowd funding campaign to aid Green Fire in its mission.


Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Real Time Net Worth As of 2/27/16

$3.1 Billion

Actress, Director/Producer, Entrepreneur, Personality, Philanthropist

Age 62
Source of Wealth TV shows, Self-Made
Self-Made Score 10
Residence Montecito, CA
Citizenship United States
Marital Status In Relationship
Education Bachelor of Arts / Science, Tennessee State University


Billionaire Oprah Winfrey is best known for hosting her own internationally popular talk show from 1986 to 2011. She is also an actress, philanthropist, publisher and producer.

The media giant Oprah Winfrey was born in the rural town of Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1954. In 1976, Winfrey moved to Baltimore, where she hosted a hit television talk show, People Are Talking. The show became a hit and Winfrey stayed with it for eight years, after which she was recruited by a Chicago TV station to host her own morning show, A.M. Chicago.

Oprah’s major competitor in that time slot was Phil Donahue. Within several months, Winfrey's open and warm-hearted personal style had won her 100,000 more viewers than Donahue and had taken her show from last place to first in the ratings. She later became the host of her own, wildly popular program, The Oprah Winfrey Show, which aired for 25 seasons, from 1986 to 2011. That same year, Winfrey launched her own TV network, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).

Oprah's Beginnings

After a troubled adolescence in a small farming community, where she was sexually abused by a number of male relatives and friends of her mother, Vernita, she moved to Nashville to live with her father, Vernon, a barber and businessman. She entered Tennessee State University in 1971 and began working in radio and television broadcasting in Nashville.

Her success led to nationwide fame and a role in Steven Spielberg's 1985 film The Color Purple, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Winfrey launched the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986 as a nationally syndicated program.

With its placement on 120 channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show grossed $125 million by the end of its first year, of which Winfrey received $30 million.

She soon gained ownership of the program from ABC, drawing it under the control of her new production company, Harpo Productions ('Oprah' spelled backwards).

Activism and Charities

According to Forbes magazine, Oprah was the richest African American of the 20th century and the world's only Black billionaire for three years running. Life magazine hailed her as the most influential woman of her generation.

In 2005, Business Week named her the greatest Black philanthropist in American history. Oprah's Angel Network has raised more than $51,000,000 for charitable programs, including girls' education in South Africa and relief to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Winfrey is a dedicated activist for children's rights; in 1994, President Clinton signed a bill into law that Winfrey had proposed to Congress, creating a nationwide database of convicted child abusers.

She founded the Family for Better Lives foundation and also contributes to her alma mater, Tennessee State University. In September 2002, Oprah was named the first recipient of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences' Bob Hope Humanitarian Award.

Winfrey campaigned for Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama in December 2007, attracting the largest crowds of the primary season to that point. Winfrey joined Obama for a series of rallies in the early primary/caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. It was the first time Winfrey had ever campaigned for a political candidate.

The biggest event was at the University of South Carolina football stadium, where 29,000 supporters attended a rally that had been switched from an 18,000 seat basketball arena to satisfy public demand.

"Dr. (Martin Luther) King dreamed the dream. But we don't have to just dream the dream anymore," Oprah told the crowd. "We get to vote that dream into reality by supporting a man who knows not just who we are, but who we can be." The power of Winfrey's political endorsement was unclear (Obama won Iowa and South Carolina, but lost New Hampshire).

But she has a clear track record of turning unknown authors into blockbuster best-sellers when she mentions their books on her TV show.

After The Oprah Winfrey Show ended on September 9, 2011, Oprah has remained in the rapidly shifting and converging media field through The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), which launched on January 1, 2011.

In November 2013, Winfrey received the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. President Barack Obama gave her this award for her contributions to her country.

Since 1992, Winfrey has been engaged to Stedman Graham, a public relations executive. The couple lives in Chicago, and Winfrey also has homes in Montecito, California, Rolling Prairie, Indiana, and Telluride, Colorado.


Oprah Winfrey, long-reigning queen of daytime TV has proven she can thrive without a talk show. Defying critics, ratings of her four-year old cable network, OWN, are soaring thanks in part to a handful of collaborations with director Tyler Perry including drama 'The Haves and the Have Nots' and soap opera 'If Loving You Is Wrong'.

She co-produced the critical darling Martin Luther King, Jr. biopic "Selma", and also had a small role as civil rights activist Annie Lee Cooper.

Oprah Winfrey's name carries weight in the marketplace. Weight Watchers has been named the number one diet program by U.S. News and World Report. The merge of these two entities should be epic. However, their collaboration has not gained the momentum expected of it.

Oprah’s venture with Weight Watchers is not fairing as well as her other protégés, like Dr. Oz, Steve Harvey, and The Law of Attraction movement, nicknamed “The Secret.”

For the last few years, Weight Watchers has taken huge financial hits. In 2014, about 800,000 people attended Weight Watchers meetings, which is a decline from its 1.3 million in 2013.

In the first half of 2015, sales were down nearly 22 percent and profits down almost 50 percent, CNN Money reported.

Weight Watchers International has more competitors than Jenny Craig and Quick Weight Loss in today’s marketplace. They have more mobile and digital based competition that offers lower prices without the inconvenience of weekly meetings. With Lose It, a mobile app Nike Run, and Fitbit trackers, many people are taking a different weight loss approach.

The company has solicited celebrities in the past, such as Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson, to represent the company publically. The concept created buzz with their followers, urging them to continue with Weight Watchers.

After strategic planning, the company solicited mogul Oprah Winfrey as the next big face of Weight Watchers. In October 2015, Winfrey put her public stamp of approval on the weight loss program. Weight Watchers announced in the same month that Winfrey would make a $43.5 million investment for a 10 percent stake in the company and a chair on their board of directors.

I am so inspired by Ms. Oprah Winfrey

After researching and reviewing Oprah Winfrey's story, I am so inspired to continue my aspirations to become a successful Internet Marketer. I have been in the Internet Marketing arena for many years with some success but I am determined to have many more successes in the field of Internet Marketing in the near future.


Showing up is half the Battle

I wrote this post several days ago on LinkedIn Pulse, and it was quite well -received.

I read a post by Chelsea Handler on Pulse.  

She talked about how she learned the power of just showing up, when she was a waitress.  She became the go-to person when someone needed to have their shift filled.   

John Lombaerde

VP – NJ Marketing at MarketHive | Entrepreneur | Marketing Automation | CRM | Leads Online | Social Media | Local SEO


I totally agree, 50% of the battle is showing up. The other 50% is making the right preparation to be really good at what you do. For online marketers, that means prepare the best material for your podcast, for your webinar, for your product launch or new service, so that you will hit a home run every single time.

When I started doing an online LinkedIn Workshop 2X every week, (for free), a few people told me, "No  , no one is doing that, you might go broke doing that, you won't have the time, you might break your promise and not show up". I was told a hundred reasons why it might not work as planned.

Now I have hundreds of people that enjoy and look forward to these presentations, some attend live, and others request the link to the recording, which I send to them faithfully every week. Now people are thinking, if this guy delivers that much good information for free, how much more he will deliver if I become this guy's customer? I like creating such a positive impression, and I look forward to these weekly presentations. They are the highlight of my week. (And by the way, I have not missed a single workshop since I started).

Regardless of how long you have been on LinkedIn, or how well you think you know this social network, believe it or not, things are changing all the time.   Stay on top of your game on LinkedIn, and connect with me to find out about these free workshops.  You will be glad you did!

John Lombaerde

Weekly LinkedIn Workshops  <— Just click to the left, Thurs. 7:00 pm EST and every Sat. 11:00 am EST

MarketHive <— The social network for entrepreneurs



Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Life can be very challenging at times, following our move to the UK from tropical climes we have had to to face up to higher prices and colder weather. Lucky for us this winter has been milder than normal. We realised from the start that we needed extra income. Jasmin my wife found some cleaning jobs to build an additional income stream , however it was at a cost. Lots of driving early morning and late nights for minimum wages. I spent six months applying for many jobs, filling in many forms and hearing nothing. What has happened to the country, it does not take much effort to send out a reply say sorry you have not been successful in this technological age.

Go Ape Zipline

The next problem is the zero contract hours usually run by agencies where you are registered on the books of an agency, you then rely on the agency to find you work. Both my wife and myself spent a few hundred pounds getting certified documentation such as Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) checks for working with vulnerable people. Jasmin attended a week of care work training at her own expense and then never heard any thing more. My own teaching agency rarely contacts me and has never offered me work.

No replies to job applications are one thing but, if you are lucky enough to be selected for interview there are employers who still fail to advise you if you are unsuccessful.

With this kind of scenarios it is no wonder that people become disolutioned.

As last year drew to a close, we took stock of our situation and wrote out our new year resolution, publishing on a group page for anyone to see, this simple action help focussing on goals and from time to down when spirits are low, we have found it refocussed our minds and effort.

I decided that in view of the poor response to job applications, due possibly to my age, although Agism is banned in the UK, I would stop applying for jobs and would instead concentrate on building my own online business with MarketHive at the end of February.

The middle of February approached and my thoughts and actions started to change as I prepared to return to full-time online marketing and then the breakthrough on 17th February:-

Do you feel as strongly as we do about living life adventurously? Then Go Ape could be for you!

I Just love adventure it been in my blood for the past 15 years and is the reason I took early retirement and became an adventure racer!, my last job in my favoured sport was teaching sailing 8 months previously and this one although land based offered the chance to help people to enjoy outdoor challenges in safety.

This is my calling, my prayers have been answered.

Four days later I was requested to attend an interview/practical assessment. 7 fellow applicants on the half day assessment aged 17-30 all younger than my own children.

To start off we had to introduce ourselves speaking for two minutes and I was surprised that most found this hard, this was where their age was against them. As I got onto adventure racing, I asked them to stop me when they had heard enough.

We split into two groups for a team task, the result was our group would probably survive the other would probable not survive

The stakes were high on the physical test a climb UP a zipline, I was in the last two the youngest and the oldest, all our predecessors had completed the task. Being the gentleman I took the the slightly higher line which reduced my starting run up and we were off. My feet left the ground early and as the momentum from my run slowed it was hand over hand with my arms keeping a steady rhythm I pulled past the girl and as angel steepened approach the landing platform arms started to fail, I turn around to see if going forward was better, not really so turned backwards once again, so near I am not giving up, Stop hold on rest a little regain composure, climb again, burn in arms platform there, not quite last effort. Clip on safety lines . Success. The final task disconnect the pulley system, now the higher line presented a problem as I was already standing on tip tow and needed to jump to be able to release the karibeener. A few attempts were required with a little help from an instructor, a bang in the face, I was off. Time to encourage the girl who was now on the steepest part and was stalled ready to give up and no amount of encouragement would change her mind she gave up and returned down the zip. Final task attach to zip line and return to start, pleased to complete in style landing on my feet.

Final task one on one interview, felt confident, a very good company to work for even thuogh I had never heard of them

Was a little surprised but happy the following day to be accepted, and immediately set about raising my fitness level after an inactive winter.

This is why I will never give up 

be prepared to do whatever it takes and more

David Ogden
Helping people to help themselves


A Beginner’s Guide To Learning Mobile Marketing

If you're thinking about getting into mobile marketing but aren't sure how, then look no further. This article is geared towards informing you of some valuable tips about how to succeed with mobile marketing. Remember that these tips are only going to benefit you if you read this article thoroughly and digest the information.

Make sure that your emails are mobile device friendly. An increasing number of customers are reading emails only on their mobile devices. If your emails are not mobile friendly, they might never be seen by a significant portion of your clients. This means that valuable advertising dollars are wasted, and your campaign will not be successful.

Do your best to target your message to fit the needs of the people that you are sending it to. If you are sending out a message about one thing that that person is not interested in, there is a great chance that they will not take the time to read your future messages.

Be very aware of the market conditions around you when involved in mobile marketing. If anything changes that you're not absolutely prepared for, you can easily be left behind and lose a lot of business. The internet is constantly changing, especially the still-evolving mobile leg of it. Always stay prepared for change.

Keep your mobile marketing messages short and sweet. Although many cell phone and smartphone users are signed up with plans that offer unlimited data transfers, not everyone has this luxury. If your ad consumes a great deal of their monthly allotment of data, chances are good that your efforts will go unappreciated and even resented.

If your mobile marketing campaign includes multiple images and pages, it is best to keep the file sizes very small. Many cell phones and smartphone plans have limitations on broadband access and transfer speeds. If your message takes too long to load or consumes too much bandwidth, the customer is likely to abandon it.

Make your messages relevant. This is the most important aspect of mobile marketing. A text message can be very personal and it interrupts someone no matter what they are in the middle of doing. Avoid re-purposing an e-mail. Your text message should be short and very relevant to the audience whom you are sending them out to.

Balance your mobile marketing within an integrated media strategy. Mobile marketing alone will not take your brand to the next level. Neither will direct mail or internet marketing alone. You need to develop a multi-channel strategy that works in harmony with each other to really tell the story of your brand. If you feel your mobile marketing strategy is acting on its own, now is the time to bring it into your larger marketing strategy.

Hopefully this article has given you some ideas to use when creating your own mobile marketing campaign. The information you have learned from this article will only be useful if it is applied. Incorporate your new knowledge into your mobile marketing strategies, and watch your success grow.

Thank you,

Ida Mae Boyd
Skype me at imboyd681
Please include in the Skype Contact message “Market Hive”


Check out the MarketHive:

The MarketHive consist of Free Inbound Marketing Tools and it is a social network for entrepreneur.
By signing up you will become a member with me in the MarketHive Social Network for Entrepreneurs.
The following video that explains it all to you.

You can sign up for a Free MarketHive account at


ATTENTION – Makes Inbound Marketing Better

So this is basically what inbound marketing is all about. It's about letting your prospects find you rather than broadcasting your marketing message to the masses hoping it reaches a prospective customer (as in traditional outbound marketing). So far so good.

Now, how do they find me and why?

I'll publish the right content in the right place at the right time, my marketing will become relevant and helpful to my customers and it will not interrupt. Great intent, right?

I'll create targeted content that answers prospects' and customers' basic questions and needs, then share that content far and wide.

This is good.

I'll use SEO, I'm pretty good at that, is that In-bound Marketing? No it is not. SEO is a tactic, inbound marketing is a strategy. Social strategies are developed with the Markethive tools.

Markethive is In-bound Marketing. It has the tools to communicate through multiple channels simultaneously. SEO is a single channel. You can do in-bound marketing without SEO.

Inbound marketing is really Organic Earned Marketing.

The content you create and publish will over time organically earn you the marketplace you target.

As entrepreneurs using Markethive we see inbound marketing a little differently, we see it as social things we can do on web that earn traffic and attention, without directly costing any money.

Inbound marketing is all about earning attention and love.

There is no single way to do inbound marketing, and it's not about being everywhere. Your goal should not be to have a presence on all channels but to really be present on the channels where your audience exists.

So, how do I get anyone in my audience to pay attention to me and my message?

Brand building.

Inbound marketing helps with brand building and having a good brand helps with inbound marketing.

The best way to build a brand is to be truly remarkable, recognizable and authentic, and to provide the world the the answer to the question “Why”.

But does being truly remarkable, recognizable and authentic and having great content always get enough attention? Not always and usually not enough.

What about attention?

Consumers have a tendency to pay attention only to messages that address a need or interest or are consistent with the consumer’s attitudes, opinions, and beliefs, a selective attention.

Why does Attention become “Selective”?

It has been estimated that the average person may be exposed to over 1,500 ads or brand communications a day. Because a person cannot possibly attend to this amount of information (content) flow, a process called selective attention is used to filter the information, some information gets screened out.

Selective attention means that marketers have to work hard to attract consumers notice. The real challenge is to explain what stimulates people, what will they notice. Here are some findings:

  • People are more likely to notice information that relates to a current need. A person who is motivated to buy a computer will notice computer ads; he or she will be less likely to notice DVD ads.

  • People are more likely to notice information that they anticipate. You are more likely to notice computers than radios in a computer store because you do not expect the store to carry radios.

  • People are more likely to be stimulated when deviations are large in relation to the normal size of the stimulation. You are more likely to notice an ad offering $100 off the list price of a computer than one offering $5 off.

Although people filter out much of the surrounding advertising, you can get favorable attention by contacting your community with unexpected social invitations with appropriate information.

Use Social Publishing to get noticed.

Successful inbound strategies are all about remarkable content – and social publishing allows you to share that valuable information on the social web, engage with your prospects, and put a human face on your brand.

Write and publish, be truly remarkable, recognizable and authentic and interact on the networks where your ideal buyers spend their time.

Be Remarkable, get attention, let people know your story, earn a reputation, inbound marketing is really Organically Earned.



Get Inbound Marketing Tools at the lowest Price

First let me state that Internet Marketing Tools are now defined as Inbound Marketing Tools.

Who doesn't want inexpensive Inbound Marketing Tools that work? In this day and age when advertising your business online is must. It is also a must that you get these tools at the lowest possible price.

You may ask, how can I get them? Please read on to find out.


The MarketHive Inbound Marketing System is priced at a reasonable price (free) as compared to other Inbound Platforms from medium to large businesses that cost around $72,000 per year on average.

Unlike any of the other Inbound Marketing (automated marketing) platforms, the MarketHive is a vertical Social Network design for and by Entrepreneurs.

The following 31 minute video will give you a cost comparison between some of the top Inbound Marketing systems.

Click here if you would like to register for a free Inbound MarketHive System

Thank you,

Ida Mae Boyd
MarketHive Alpha Founder
Skype me at imboyd681
Please include in the Skype Contact message "Market Hive"
