(Photo : conger design)
Have you seen tiny bits of plastics in the water that you drink? People who have become aware of the presence of microplastics in the ocean waters must have opted for bottled water, thinking that the packaging has made them so much safer. Sadly, experts say that the problem on microplastics has only gotten worse and that it might have found its way on the water systems, into the homes and perhaps even in sealed bottled water.
The problem with plastic rests not just on those huge grocery bags that people cannot seem to let go of. Rather, the problem is on those minuscule plastics that have entered the food chain and to an extent even the human body. In the oceans, microplastic pollution has become a cause for concern due to its known harmful effects on marine life in general.
Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a statement that has alarmed the bells for they believe that microplastics have found their way into the water source. Both tap water and bottled water are no longer as safe as they used to be. They revealed this and all the other potential threats that microplastics may have on the human body once ingested in the 124-page report that was published on August 22.
The report emphasized the need for a better understanding of the health impacts that come with ingesting microplastics into the human body. They also said that there is a need for better screening methods to be in place before microplastics become a health concern.
Dr. Andrew Mayes, a researcher and scientist from the School of Chemistry of the University of East Anglia, said that he welcomes the thought of the presence of microplastics in bottled waters. He devised a method for people to be able to detect if their bottled water contains some form of microplastic. In his interview with Express.co.uk, this chemistry expert explained how it was even possible for bottled waters to be still contaminated.
"Microplastics are everywhere. They are in the water that we drink and in the air that we breathe. They are everywhere," Dr. Mayes said.
There is no definite solution to deal with microplastic pollution. The report submitted by the WHO reveals that these come in varying amounts in water, ranging upto 1,000 particles per liter. Can you imagine how many microplastics could be inside your body system now after finishing that liter of water for the day? There may be a little too much it could get you sick.