Cash Is No Longer King: The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun

Cash Is No Longer King: The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun

(ANTIMEDIA) – As physical currency around the world is increasingly phased out, the era where “cash is king” seems to be coming to an end. Countries like India and South Korea have chosen to limit access to physical money by law, and others are beginning to test digital blockchains for their central banks.

The war on cash isn’t going to be waged overnight, and showdowns will continue in any country where citizens turn to alternatives like precious metals or decentralized cryptocurrencies. Although this transition may feel like a natural progression into the digital age, the real motivation to go cashless is downright sinister.

The unprecedented collusion between governments and central banks that occurred in 2008 led to bailouts, zero percent interest rates and quantitative easing on a scale never before seen in history. Those decisions, which were made under duress and in closed-door meetings, set the stage for this inevitable demise of paper money.

Sacrificing the stability of national currencies has been used as a way prop up failing private institutions around the globe. By kicking the can down the road yet another time, bureaucrats and bankers sealed the fate of the financial system as we know it.

A currency war has been declared, ensuring that the U.S. dollar, Euro, Yen and many other state currencies are linked in a suicide pact. Printing money and endlessly expanding debt are policies that will erode the underlying value of every dollar in people’s wallets, as well as digital funds in their bank accounts. This new war operates in the shadows of the public’s ignorance, slowly undermining social and economic stability through inflation and other consequences of central control. As the Federal Reserve leads the rest of the world’s central banks down the rabbit hole, the vortex it’s creating will affect everyone in the globalized economy.

Peter Schiff, president of Euro-Pacific Capital, has written several books on the state of the financial system. His focus is on the long-term consequences of years of government and central bank manipulation of fiat currencies:

Never in the course of history has a country’s economy failed because its currency was too strong…The view that a weak currency is desirable is so absurd that it could only have been devised to serve the political agenda of those engineering the descent. And while I don’t blame policy makers from spinning self-serving fairy tales (that is their nature), I find extreme fault with those hypnotized members of the media and the financial establishment who have checked their reason at the door. A currency war is different from any other kind of conventional war in that the object is to kill oneself. The nation that succeeds in inflicting the most damage on its own citizens wins the war. ” [emphasis added]

If you want a glimpse 0f how this story ends, all you have to do is look at Venezuela, where the government has destroyed the value of the bolivar (and U.S. intervention has further exacerbated the problem). Desperation has overcome the country, leading women to go as far as selling their own hair just to get by. While crime and murder rates have spiked to all-time highs, the most dangerous threat to Venezuelans has been extensive government planning. The money they work for and save is now so valueless it’s weighed instead of counted. The stacks of bills have to be carried around in backpacks, and the scene is reminiscent of the hyperinflation Weimar Germany experienced in the 1920s. Few Western nations have ever experienced a currency crisis before, meaning many are blind to the inevitable consequences that come from the unending stimulus we’ve seen since 2008.

In order to keep this kind of chaos from spreading like a contagion to the rest of the world, representatives are willing to do anything necessary, but this comes at a cost. Instead of having to worry about carrying around wheelbarrows full of money, the fear in a cashless society will likely stem from bank customers’ restricted access to funds. With no physical way for consumers to take possession of their wealth, the banking interests will decide how much is available.

The level of trust most people still have in the current system is astonishing. Even after decades of incompetence, manipulation, and irresponsibility, the public still grasps to government and the established order like a child learning how to swim. The responsibility that comes with independence has intimidated the entire population into leaving the decisions up to so-called ‘experts.’ It just so happens that those trusted policymakers have an agenda to strip you and future generations of prosperity.

Some of the few hopes in this war against centralization are peer-to-peer technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. These innovative platforms have the potential to open up markets that circumvent state-controlled Ponzi schemes. The future development of crypto-assets has massive potential, but being co-opted is a real danger.

The greatest threat to individual freedom is financial dependence, and as long as your wealth is under someone else’s control, it can never be completely secure. Unfortunately, private blockchains are becoming increasingly popular, creating trojan horses for those just learning about the technology (in contrast, Bitcoin’s transaction ledger is public) . Without the decentralized aspect of a financial network, it is just a giant tracking database that can be easily compromised like any other.

The World Economic Forum released a report on the future of financial infrastructure. Giancarlo Bruno, Head of Financial Services Industries at WEF stated:

Rather than to stay at the margins of the finance industry, blockchain will become the beating heart of it. It will help build innovative solutions across the industry, becoming ever more integrated into the structure of financial services, as mainframes, messaging services, and electronic trading did before it.”

The list of countries who are exploring integrating blockchain technology into their central banking system is extensive. Just to name a few; Singapore, Ukraine, France, Finland and many others are in the process of researching and testing out options.

For those who appreciate more tangible wealth, diversifying into hard assets like gold and silver is a great first step. It’s not about becoming a millionaire or getting rich quickly, but rather, using precious metals as vehicles for investment in the long-term. Regardless of what events unfold over the decades to come, the wealth preserved in physical form is more secure than any other asset. Forty years ago it was possible to save your money in the bank and accumulate interest over time, but that opportunity no longer exists. Those who fail to adapt to this new financial twilight zone will likely find themselves living as slaves to debt for years.

Control and confidence are two of the most important things in the system we live in. Once these digital spider webs have been put into place, the ability for an individual to maintain privacy or anonymity will all but disappear. Only through understanding the subversive actions being taken can people protect themselves from having to put their future in someone else’s hands. The cash that allows free transactions without tax burdens or state scrutiny won’t be around much longer. There will be many rationalizations for a cashless society in the years to come, but without fixing this broken financial system first, this will only ensure that despotism gains an even sturdier foothold.

This article (Cash Is No Longer King: The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun) by Shaun Bradley is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Shaun Bradley Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to



How Google’s investment in Rank Brain and Deep Learning resulted in a dramatic improvement in Google Translate.

This is a fascinating article by the New York Times on the evolution of Google Translation using Rank Brain and Machine Learning or Deep Learning to achieve some rather spectacular results.  This is a long read, but definitely worth the investment of time.  It goes to the heart of what Google is doing internally that has profound implications for search and nearly everything Google is doing now and in the long-term future.  Highly recommended.

The Great AI Awakening

Let me know what you think about this!



Doubt Is The Mind killer – A Short Rant

A Malaise of Doubt Creeps Amongst Us

We have become Doubters, we are undecided or skeptical. Doubters tend to disbelieve, distrust and regard most as unlikely.

I Doubt It!

We have a new President, I doubt …

The economy …I doubt …

My business …I doubt …

My money …

My safety …

Even today's information flow … I doubt IT!

I may even doubt myself, what? I doubt it.

Overcome doubt with belief.

I believe in Myself and my purpose.

Doubt is OK, Doubt Is the Heart of Belief.

I am a doubter, what about the rest of you doubters?

As always, your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart believe in it and give yourself completely to it.

Completely believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Imagining a solution in your world and believing in that solution paves the way to realizing that solution.

Ponder on this

“There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.”

― Gautama Buddha

I Believe, that is no doubt!

I believe in Green Fire and the “Children of the Landfill”, I doubt that will ever change.

What do you believe in?

Mike Prettyman,
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
For more information come to the website

Children of the Landfill Project

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Join our active groups on Markethive

Children of the Landfill
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation


Children refugees from Myanmar tell of trauma

Rohingya refugees from Myanmar tell of trauma

Some hid in rice fields, others ate only leaves while making the long journey by foot across the border into Bangladesh.

New arrivals are grateful for whatever support they can find [Mohammad Ponir Hossain/Reuters]

Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh – Outside this town by the Bay of Bengal, we kept bumping into fresh arrivals when we visited the camps for Rohingya refugees fleeing a security crackdown in neighbouring Myanmar.

Many of them said they were from the village of Kearipara in Myanmar. From the sounds of it, that village has been utterly devastated.

All of them shared similar stories: watching family members get murdered, hiding without eating for days, and having their homes burned down.

Several told us about having to sell their valuables – rings, piercings, earrings, whatever they had on them – to facilitate a safe passage into Bangladesh.

The route, which was always difficult and deadly, has become even more problematic.

After thousands of Rohingya were found stranded and starving off the coast of southern Thailand in the middle of last year, widespread international coverage forced the hands of governments of the region to crack down on a network of human traffickers who were exploiting the desperate refugees for cash.

But those very traffickers were also paradoxically the Muslim Rohingya's only hope to make it out of predominantly Buddhist Myanmar and get on the circuitous trek that would take them through Bangladesh and Thailand into the relatively safe haven of Malaysia.

Now, just getting across the border to Bangladesh is a tough proposition for the Rohingya.

The refugees we met described hiding in rice fields for days. Some didn't eat. Others ate only leaves they found in the forests on the hills surrounding the border.


They advanced a few minutes at a time, taking care to stop and check every few hundred metres to make sure the Myanmar army or border guards weren't lying in wait – making a long journey by foot even longer.

Arriving in Bangladesh didn't mean the ordeal was over. If they were caught by the authorities, some would be allowed through by the border guards, others would be turned back.

Every few hundred metres there were checkpoints manned by armed patrols. Next to each of them would be one or two Rohingya families who'd been caught.

Would the soldiers show clemency? Or would they be returned to the heart of the violence they were fleeing? They sat by the side of the road, unsure of their fate.

Tens of thousands have managed to get into Bangladesh. Many of them are in the unofficial Rohingya refugee camps near the tourist town of Cox's Bazar.

Their hosts are refugees themselves with little to offer in terms of food or shelter.

But the community was pulling together to do what they could, faced with the suffering of their fellow Rohingya.

The new arrivals were grateful for whatever support they could find, but seething with resentment at the lack of action by the international community.

Ethnic cleansing proof

As far as they are concerned, the world has decided that the Rohingya are expendable.

From the Bangladesh side of the border, the evidence of what the UN has called a campaign of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar seems strong.

Aung San Suu Kyi, in response, has said that blame shouldn't be cast until all the facts are known.

That's fair enough.

But one of the known facts is that the Myanmar government won't let journalists or independent observers enter the areas where large-scale violence is believed to be taking place.

Why keep journalists out if Myanmar authorities have nothing to hide?





Mike Prettyman,
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
For more information come to the website

Children of the Landfill Project

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Join our active groups on Markethive

Children of the Landfill
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation


What is Ethereum

¿Qué es Ethereum? 

Ethereum, es una criptomoneda y una plataforma blockchain que ofrece una máquina virtual descentralizada para contratos inteligentes.Una computadora mundial

"It is very possible that … one machine would suffice to solve all the problems … of the whole [world]" – Sir Charles Darwin, 1946

Ethereum, es una plataforma de servicios ''smart contracts'', programas y protocolos en forma de contrato, que funcionan automáticamente. Como son programados, no tienen ninguna posibilidad de cortes en el sistema, censuras, fraudes o interferencias de terceras partes.

¿Smart qué?

El término fue acuñado por el criptógrafo y jurista Nick Szabo, allá por 1996 pero no ha sido hasta hace pocos años cuando se han podido materializar gracias a tecnologías recientes como la ''blockchain'' (“cadena de bloques”).

Los ''smart contracts'', son scripts escritos con lenguajes de programación capaces de ejecutarse y hacerse cumplir por sí solos de manera autónoma sin intermediarios y sin posibilidad de censura. Pueden ser creados por una persona física, jurídica o por otro programa informático y reciben esas características gracias a existir sobre un sistema descentralizado como la ''blockchain'' en la que miles de equipos alrededor del mundo ejecutan los nodos que procesan y verifican las transacciones lo que evita que exista alguna entidad (empresa o gobierno) que pueda actuar sobre ellas.En resumen, los contratos inteligentes permiten a desconocidos comerciar o automatizar cualquier tipo de relación que se pueda expresar en un contrato tradicional, a través de internet sin la necesidad de una autoridad o intermediario.

Automatizar transacciones simples

Un pequeño ejemplo con apuestas: Alicia y Bob se apuestan 500€ por quien ganará un partido deportivo. Ambos, mandarían el equivalente en criptomonedas a una dirección controlada por el contrato inteligente. Cuando el juego haya terminado el contrato podría verificar vía API el resultado y depositaría el total en la cuenta del ganador.

Por ser programas informáticos, sería trivial añadir mayor complejidad como posibilidades y estadísticas a la apuesta. Hay servicios que procesan este tipo de transacciones, pero todas cobran una comisión. La diferencia es que los contratos inteligentes hacen todo esto de manera descentralizada, accesible para todos al menor coste posible, en el caso de ethereum el precio se llama “gas”, pequeñas partes de ether que pasan a los mineros que verifican las transacciones.

Compras online

Un ejemplo cotidiano pueden ser las compras online. Si realizas una orden de compra podrías tener un contrato entre la tienda online, una empresa de mensajería y tú, este, controlaría el proceso y ejecutaría cada pago en el momento acordado que podría ser la recepción  del paquete tras comprobar que todo está correcto.

Internet de las cosas

Tu nevera podrá realizar la compra por sí sola, usarás un taxi que se conduce solo… en el futuro, no hay duda de que todos los dispositivos estarán conectados entre sí en la denominada internet de las cosas (IOT).

Mediante microtransacciones programadas con ''smart contract'' este ejército de aparatos podrían llegar a funcionar de manera autónoma.

Alquiler de propiedades (vehículos,viviendas,etc), gestión de derechos de autor, servicios bancarios, notarios, sistemas de votación, organizaciones autónomas descentralizadas (DAO), los posibles usos de los contratos inteligentes son aún desconocidos, como fueron en principio para los creadores de internet las redes sociales antes de la aparición de facebook o la computación en la nube antes de amazon.En artículos posteriores, introduciremos los smart contract desde el punto de vista del desarrollador centrándonos en Ethereum y repasaremos los conceptos de las criptomonedas y el resto de plataformas (Bitcoin,Lisk,IOTA,NXT,etc..) cada una con sus peculiaridades y diferentes lenguajes de programación.


Ethereum: Introduction to Contracts smart ~ ITECMA.

Source: Ethereum: Introduction to Contracts smart ~ ITECMA


What is your business plan for 2017?

employees-entrepreneurs Now is the best time to review your successes in 2016, and begin to plan for 2017. This is especially true for start-ups and part-time or full-time entrepreneurs that would like to make this coming year a breakout one.

Here are some simple steps to fine tune your plans for 2017.

1) Eliminate waste. Review your monthly expenses. If there is any expense that is not critical to your operations, it must be eliminated or reduced. It is also wise to shop around for competitive services if you have not done so already. The smaller the size of your company, the more critical it is to examine and review any and all unnecessary expenses.

You can view any unnecessary expense as if someone were reaching into your wallet and stealing your hard earned profits. The problem is that you undoubtedly gave them permission to do so. A big problem for small entrepreneurs is recurring monthly expenditures that do not contribute substantially to their bottom line.

2) Make sure that the products and services you offer are top notch and that they meet the needs of your customers. Review each of your products and services, and examine ways to improve them in terms of functionality, quality, speed of execution, etc. Ask your customers directly by phone or by email how you can improve your products, or if there are additional products that they would like to see from you.

3) Based on the input you receive from your customers, make plans to expand your product offering. Above all, do not be a one-trick pony to your customers. Even if you have a main product, see if there isn't a way to offer some kind of premium service or an extension to one of your products or services that might command a premium price that some customers would be willing to consider.

4) Consider outsourcing smaller tasks for which you may not have staff with the particular skills to accomplish the job. A good place to outsource micro-jobs is Fiverr. For a guide to Fiverr that will make your outsourcing job much easier, I have a free Fiverr Finesse – Outsourcing Guide for you.

Just send email to with your request, and I will send it to you. It is a 250-page guide with text and data that will help you quickly locate Fiverr vendors in over 120 categories.

Here is a video that explains all about the course, but of course, you will not have to pay for it, It is completely free.

Fiverr Finesse – Outsourcing Guide video

wish you the best possible success in all your endeavors for 2017.  

Make sure you are a member of Markethive to help promote your business in 2017.  Login here —> Markethive

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Due Diligence

Mike Prettyman,
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
For more information come to the website

Children of the Landfill Project

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Join our active groups on Markethive

Children of the Landfill
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation


How to make $6 for every lead you with the Lead Lightning system

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How to make $6 for every lead you with the Lead Lightning system

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How to make $6 for every lead you get with the Lead Lightning system

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How to make $6 for every lead you get with the Lead Lightning system

Call me crazy, but I'll be real surprised if you don't take me up on this:

Get ready for a buying frenzy!

Are you kidding me … $6 for every lead?

I had a gentleman this morning begging me to explain what this new funnel is all about.

He heard about how he could make $6 bucks
for every lead he generated.

Here's what I told him …

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Talk soon,

Ida Mae Boyd
Skype: imboyd681 – Please put "Free Lead System" in the contact request. Thanks


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Talk soon,

Ida Mae Boyd



