More than 5 billion people – or two-thirds of the world’s population – now have a mobile phone connection

More than 5 billion people – or two-thirds of the world's population – now have a mobile phone connection

You can watch the number increase in real time

By  on Jun 19, 2017, 10:00 AM


How many people do you know that don't own a cell phone? For the majority of us, that number will be very small, if not zero. Not too surprising considering that 5 billion people around the world – or two-thirds of the earth’s population – now have a mobile phone connection.

The data comes from GSMA Intelligence, the research unit of the GSMA trade body that represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide. Its real-time tracker shows that the number of unique mobile subscribers has now passed the 5-million-person milestone, representing year-on-year growth of almost 5 percent.

The site also shows the number of mobile connections around the world. This figure is considerably higher as many people use more than one SIM card, and it includes machine-to-machine connections, of which there are around 400 million.

It’s taken four years for another billion people to acquire a mobile phone connection. Back in 2003, there were just one billion unique mobile subscribers across the globe. GSMA director Mats Granryd called reaching the milestone a “tremendous achievement for an industry that is only a few decades old.”

“Today, mobile is a truly global platform, delivering connectivity and, perhaps more importantly, social and economic opportunities to citizens in all corners of the world,” said Granryd.

Over half of all mobile subscribers, 2.7 billion, are located in the Asia-Pacific Region. When it comes to individual countries’ mobile markets, China sits at the top with 1 billion subscribers, while India is second with 730 million. It is in Europe, however, where phone penetration is at its highest, with 86 percent of citizens subscribed to a mobile service. The US has the second-highest subscriber penetration at 80 percent.

By the end of this decade, GSMA predicts that the number of unique phone subscribers will reach 5.7 billion – around three-quarters of the earth’s population – with India responsible for the largest share of this growth.


More than 5 billion people – or two-thirds of the world’s population – now have a mobile phone connection

More than 5 billion people – or two-thirds of the world's population – now have a mobile phone connection

You can watch the number increase in real time

By  on Jun 19, 2017, 10:00 AM


How many people do you know that don't own a cell phone? For the majority of us, that number will be very small, if not zero. Not too surprising considering that 5 billion people around the world – or two-thirds of the earth’s population – now have a mobile phone connection.

The data comes from GSMA Intelligence, the research unit of the GSMA trade body that represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide. Its real-time tracker shows that the number of unique mobile subscribers has now passed the 5-million-person milestone, representing year-on-year growth of almost 5 percent.

The site also shows the number of mobile connections around the world. This figure is considerably higher as many people use more than one SIM card, and it includes machine-to-machine connections, of which there are around 400 million.

It’s taken four years for another billion people to acquire a mobile phone connection. Back in 2003, there were just one billion unique mobile subscribers across the globe. GSMA director Mats Granryd called reaching the milestone a “tremendous achievement for an industry that is only a few decades old.”

“Today, mobile is a truly global platform, delivering connectivity and, perhaps more importantly, social and economic opportunities to citizens in all corners of the world,” said Granryd.

Over half of all mobile subscribers, 2.7 billion, are located in the Asia-Pacific Region. When it comes to individual countries’ mobile markets, China sits at the top with 1 billion subscribers, while India is second with 730 million. It is in Europe, however, where phone penetration is at its highest, with 86 percent of citizens subscribed to a mobile service. The US has the second-highest subscriber penetration at 80 percent.

By the end of this decade, GSMA predicts that the number of unique phone subscribers will reach 5.7 billion – around three-quarters of the earth’s population – with India responsible for the largest share of this growth.


What is Ethereum

¿Qué es Ethereum? 

Ethereum, es una criptomoneda y una plataforma blockchain que ofrece una máquina virtual descentralizada para contratos inteligentes.Una computadora mundial

"It is very possible that … one machine would suffice to solve all the problems … of the whole [world]" – Sir Charles Darwin, 1946

Ethereum, es una plataforma de servicios ''smart contracts'', programas y protocolos en forma de contrato, que funcionan automáticamente. Como son programados, no tienen ninguna posibilidad de cortes en el sistema, censuras, fraudes o interferencias de terceras partes.

¿Smart qué?

El término fue acuñado por el criptógrafo y jurista Nick Szabo, allá por 1996 pero no ha sido hasta hace pocos años cuando se han podido materializar gracias a tecnologías recientes como la ''blockchain'' (“cadena de bloques”).

Los ''smart contracts'', son scripts escritos con lenguajes de programación capaces de ejecutarse y hacerse cumplir por sí solos de manera autónoma sin intermediarios y sin posibilidad de censura. Pueden ser creados por una persona física, jurídica o por otro programa informático y reciben esas características gracias a existir sobre un sistema descentralizado como la ''blockchain'' en la que miles de equipos alrededor del mundo ejecutan los nodos que procesan y verifican las transacciones lo que evita que exista alguna entidad (empresa o gobierno) que pueda actuar sobre ellas.En resumen, los contratos inteligentes permiten a desconocidos comerciar o automatizar cualquier tipo de relación que se pueda expresar en un contrato tradicional, a través de internet sin la necesidad de una autoridad o intermediario.

Automatizar transacciones simples

Un pequeño ejemplo con apuestas: Alicia y Bob se apuestan 500€ por quien ganará un partido deportivo. Ambos, mandarían el equivalente en criptomonedas a una dirección controlada por el contrato inteligente. Cuando el juego haya terminado el contrato podría verificar vía API el resultado y depositaría el total en la cuenta del ganador.

Por ser programas informáticos, sería trivial añadir mayor complejidad como posibilidades y estadísticas a la apuesta. Hay servicios que procesan este tipo de transacciones, pero todas cobran una comisión. La diferencia es que los contratos inteligentes hacen todo esto de manera descentralizada, accesible para todos al menor coste posible, en el caso de ethereum el precio se llama “gas”, pequeñas partes de ether que pasan a los mineros que verifican las transacciones.

Compras online

Un ejemplo cotidiano pueden ser las compras online. Si realizas una orden de compra podrías tener un contrato entre la tienda online, una empresa de mensajería y tú, este, controlaría el proceso y ejecutaría cada pago en el momento acordado que podría ser la recepción  del paquete tras comprobar que todo está correcto.

Internet de las cosas

Tu nevera podrá realizar la compra por sí sola, usarás un taxi que se conduce solo… en el futuro, no hay duda de que todos los dispositivos estarán conectados entre sí en la denominada internet de las cosas (IOT).

Mediante microtransacciones programadas con ''smart contract'' este ejército de aparatos podrían llegar a funcionar de manera autónoma.

Alquiler de propiedades (vehículos,viviendas,etc), gestión de derechos de autor, servicios bancarios, notarios, sistemas de votación, organizaciones autónomas descentralizadas (DAO), los posibles usos de los contratos inteligentes son aún desconocidos, como fueron en principio para los creadores de internet las redes sociales antes de la aparición de facebook o la computación en la nube antes de amazon.En artículos posteriores, introduciremos los smart contract desde el punto de vista del desarrollador centrándonos en Ethereum y repasaremos los conceptos de las criptomonedas y el resto de plataformas (Bitcoin,Lisk,IOTA,NXT,etc..) cada una con sus peculiaridades y diferentes lenguajes de programación.


Ethereum: Introduction to Contracts smart ~ ITECMA.

Source: Ethereum: Introduction to Contracts smart ~ ITECMA


Take Cryptocurrency As Payment On WP Site

Take Cryptocurrency As Payment On WP Site

Free multi-cryptocurrency accounts with instant exchange

There are WordPress plugins that are gateways to the Cryptonator exchange. The GoURL series on or the website ( I have been using these for about 8 months and have had no problems.

Cryptonator is an all-in-one online Bitcoin wallet which supports multiple cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE) and others. It enables fast and easy direct transactions and allows instant exchange between different cryptocurrencies in one personal account. Combining usability with high level privacy , anonymity and security, Cryptonator offers free multi-cryptocurrency accounts, which are accessible 24/7 worldwide on your laptop, desktop or mobile devices alike.

Cryptonator lets customers checkout in cryptocurrency, automatically convert received payments to USD or EUR and withdraw it to your bank account. Or just leave your received cryptocurrency payments on your Cryptonator account for future use. It`s up to you!

Sign up for a free account

Due Diligence

Mike Prettyman,
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
For more information come to the website

Children of the Landfill Project

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

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Children of the Landfill
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation


The Cryptoconomy Cryptocommerce and Cryptofunding

The Cryptoconomy Cryptocommerce and Cryptofunding

Expanding the implementation of my cryptocommerce pursuits, I now have 2 sites started. One, as I have said in the last article, is an cryptocommerce WP website for retail. The other is a crytpofunding WP site for a worthy project.

Setting the crypto donation system up has become rather interesting process. The site, the “crypto” payment gateway, they all come together rather normally. The crowd funding campaign, using cryptocurrencies to fund, has a different kind of aura about it. It developed while I was creating my own unique currency basket.

Think about the opportunity an entrepreneur has with the ability to create a unique personal or business alternative means of business exchange.

Setting up the wallets takes time.

I have, in my business exchange, 7 wallets for 7 cryptocurrencies; Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Reddcoin, Paycoin, Peercoin. Each of them has a little different personality, some are focused on trade, some social and some just as a currency of value.

These icons are linked to the home site of each.

Establishing your “basket of currencies” should be a careful process. Do you Due Diligence. Know your exchange. The wallets take time to established.

I follow a simple rule when asked if I take a different cryptocurrency than I have listed. My answer has become, I do if it is listed on an established cryptocurrency exchange.

I like Cryptonator, Take a look here:

For Cryptocommerce payment gateway I am using GoUrl plugins for WordPress. GoUrl is the only cryptocurrency payment gateway that I found and was comfortable with managing. is an automated payment processing system for the bitcoin, dogecoin, litecoin, reddcoin, feathercoin, vertcoin, potcoin, vericoin, darkcoin, speedcoin currencies. It enables online merchants to accept cryptocoins, as a form of payment, just as easily they accept payments from credit cards, debit cards, or Paypal.

This is the official website:

I am using the Woocommerce shopping cart on my cryptocommerce site with GoUrl as the payment gateway.

For the cryptofunding site I am using the GoUrl Bitcoin Paypal Donations – Give Addon plugin for WP.

Bitcoin/Altcoin & Paypal Donations on Your Website. Provides a Bitcoin Payment Gateway for Give 0.8+ – wordpress donation plugin. Easy to Use!

It is easy to use but only when you have a donation campaign designed. It is flexible enough to fit almost any campaign. The campaign dictates elements that have to be considered when developing the cryptodonation platform.

This site is not being developed to engage any of the established crowdfunding websites.

Both projects highlight how cryptocurrency provides a new way for consumers and investors to support interesting projects.

I am raising funds through my own platform seeking funding from a distributed group of backers for an ecological project.

A great thing about cryptocurrencies is that each wallet has the capability to generate and unique hashcode that can be identified to a campaign or to a person or a unique instance as needed to receive payment. In this case, I use different sets of my cryptocurrencies for the cryptocommerce site and crowd funding/cryptofunding project.

I can track the purpose of the different currencies by campaign or source of payment received.



Cryptocurrency and the Cryptoconomy


A peculiar feature of Cryptocurrency — and a reason why so many people have a hard time wrapping their brains around it – is that it is both a payment system and an emerging monetary system.

Those two systems are usually separate.

The payment aspects of Cryptocurrency is the financial backbone of the cryptoconomy.

Cryptocurrency is uniquely suited to a digital age. Real property is exchanged, not just a promise to pay, and it is done person to person, without having to go through banks and large institutions. This is crucial for ending the plague of identity theft, forgeries and online fraud.

When you really think about this you'll come to understand what a profound change this really is.

The payment dimension might not seem that important in the United States, but when you broaden the perspective to global commerce, you can easily see it. There are huge swaths of the planet in which you cannot use credit cards at all. Even now, if you try to buy something on Amazon with a home address in one country and a delivery address in another, your transaction is likely to be refused. The anti-fraud measures have been necessary, but they have frustrated the development of the global marketplace. It was at this point that it finally struck me.

This is not a currency only for the rich tech world; it is a currency for the world’s poor, who are desperately trying to become part of the global division of labor. It allows anyone from anywhere to buy or sell anything securely, privately, and reliably.

It suddenly started making sense to me why Cryptocurrency is so wildly popular in Africa, Latin America, and the outer reaches of the Russian empire. But even domestically, it is clear that this market is expanding.

As of only a few weeks ago, you could pay for anything at hundreds of mainstream merchants with Cryptocurrency.

One example is BitPay uses a smartphone application called Gyft. You buy a gift card from Gyft with Cryptocurrency and the merchant scans the card. The operation takes under a minute.

I have been watching this happening, it’s fascinating. It was only a few months ago that people were saying, “Oh, this stuff can’t really be money because I can’t spend it at Target.” Well, now you can. Where are these doubters now? Are they taking back their previous rebuff?

The payment system benefits of Cryptocurrency are clear enough, but there is a much broader vision at work here, one that goes to the heart of the development of money itself. The basic premise is that humankind needs money to facilitate trade, and many goods have served that purpose.

At the dawn of modernity in the late Middle Ages, precious metals were universally seen as the best tools for this. But there was a problem with precious metals. Namely, they are really heavy and not very portable in daily use. Thus did banking institutions come along, and with them paper money.

Paper money dominated the world economy until the end of the gold standard in 1971. Since then money has taken a digital form and is backed solely by debt obligations.

The great innovation of Cryptocurrency was 20 years in coming.

There were many attempts to make a new currency, but they faltered repeatedly because of the problem of double spending. A currency should behave just like the real characteristics that gold and silver once had.

What about the deflationary implications of Cryptocurrency. The usual belief is that a currency rising in value is an incentive to hoarding and that makes business impossible. This not true, experience so far is that people spend Cryptocurrency more when the exchange rate value is rising.

As I build my cryptocommerce WordPress business site, I’ve found something curious about using Cryptocurrency. I'm beginning to think in terms of a new pricing system and sense a real change of entrepreneurial psychology.

The goal is simple: to build a better entrepreneurial process as a means to a better world. There is a beautiful idealism at work here, the kind of thing that people look for from charities and universities. Actually, the world of cryptocommerce on this level represents an embodiment of this idealism.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are succeeding, not by attacking the current financial system, nor by asking permissions from the regulators and gatekeepers. This new economy, the cryptoconomy, is simply the next economy and will not attempt to take over the current financial services system, nor wait for consumers to transfer fiat money into cryptocurrency wallets; rather it will emerge by creating its own wealth, via new types of services and businesses that extend beyond money transactions.

The implementation of Cryptocommerce is a next step in the evolution of global commerce and trade that is in process. History show that about every 40 years the monetary system changes. We are past due and I believe that cryptocurrency and cryptocommerce are next entrepreneurial environment to emerge into business dominance.

Add cryptocurrency to your business today.


The Cryptoconomy – WordPress, Carts and Currencies

We have entered the Cryptoconomy. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur please read on.

I started an  cryptocommerce site based on WordPress, the backbone of the entrepreneurs of Markethive. My site will take 6 cryptocurrencies. There may be more in the future.

What do I need for a cryptocommerce business?

I need WordPress, the shopping cart, the currencies and the payment gateway.

WordPress is easy however the shopping cart is unique. My discovery process led to only one cart that will do the job, Woocommerce, a highly rated and very extensible free shopping cart. Woocommerce works great for all standard sales of products and services but how does it work with crypto?

A further search in the WP plugins yielded GoUrl WooCommerce – Bitcoin Altcoin Payment Gateway Addon. The search keyword was “cryptocurrency”.

Official Bitcoin Payment Gateway Plugin for WordPress. Provides Pay-Per-Product, Pay-Per-Download, Pay-Per-Membership, Pay-Per-View and bitcoin/altcoin payment gateways for – WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, Jigoshop, MarketPress, AppThemes, Paid Memberships Pro, bbPress, Give Donations, etc.

This payment gateway accepts Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paycoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Speedcoin, Reddcoin, Potcoin, Feathercoin, Vertcoin, Vericoin, Peercoin, MonetaryUnit payments online. No Chargebacks, Global, Secure. All in automatic mode.

So far so good, I've gotten the site up, the cart installed, the payment gateway, all major functions in place. However,there is one unwritten site requirement , the theme. Yes, I went to my old favorite themes and low an behold they showed an incompatibility in the admin panel.

The plugins didn't quite meet the functional requirements. Woocommerce requires compatible themes. A quick search in WP Themes and you discover several. Most of these themes require upgrading to the “Pro” version. They cost.  The price of an upgrade runs from $18.00 upward some are near $100.00. But, this is the cost of complete functionality.

I tried several but decided to work with one that I normally used (non-compatible), it seems to be working.

Now it looks good and it functions but we can't get paid, yet.

The payment gateway requires the entering of your wallet information for each cryptocurrency.

I chose the following 6 currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Reddcoin, Peercoin. for my cryptocommerce business. There is a couple of reasons for this selection, these currencies are acceptable to the payment gateway and they are listed on the cryptocurrency exchanges.

These wallets are for the most part are the same. They look the same (derived from the bitcoin core) and they act the same. They are available to download in almost every flavor of operating system from their home websites.


For my website, I chose to install part of my wallets on a Windows computer, the rest on the Ubuntu/linux OS.
The download and installation are of no real consideration, however, installation instructions are pretty scarce or not there at all. I went through each of them until I found one with instructions and followed those with each of the other wallets. The wallets can be set to activate on startup with Window but has to be called toactivated through the termeinal on linux.

There are three steps to installing and creating a wallet.

  • Download and install.
  • Synchronize with the network. Until your wallet is synchronized  with the currency's private network it doesn't work. This happens by default and it takes time.  My Dash wallet took about 20 hours to complete the synch'ing up, the bitcoin wallet took over 8 days and is still in process, so be patient and anticipate this. If you interrupt this, you will have to start over, however, the restart is not so severe as the wallet stores each block as it is synched and does essentially a review of what is stored on your harddrive.
  • Encrypting your wallet. After getting in-synch you are ready to encrypt your wallet. Care should be taken! The information you create for the encryption process is valuable.  It is your key to your wallet. If you lose this information you lose everything.

I use an online strong password generator to create a 16 character password then use an encrypted email service to send this information to an encrypted data vault in Iceland for safe keeping.

Strong password generator,

Creating a cryptocommerce business website is just the same as a normal ecommerce site only different.  You take normal then add crypto.

Once I have all the wallets I can load the catalog.

As I work through this, I will blog about it.

Things to look forward to are; the loading of the products in the cart, normal currency and cryptocurrency, testing the clearing house, and exchanging the crypto for USD.

Follow along in the Markethive New Monies Group.
