Writing well – What is the secret?

What is the secret to writing well?

I think it is really one word, practice, practice, practice.

You can have a vast vocabulary.  You can have near perfect command of your prose, perfect grammar, and syntax, but if you don't write often, you will not develop into a good writer.

That is one reason why blogging is such a great activity.

Content creation for a blog is simple. You can write about whatever you like.  You can be serious, ironic, whimsical, humorous, or anything that suits your mood or personality.  As long as you write and are true to yourself, there is someone out there who will take interest.  Having stated this, there are a few things you should pay close attention to when you write that will save you either headaches or embarrasment.

1) Write sincerely.  Do not pretend to be someone you are not.  It is amzaing how quickly a phony writer can be spotted.

 2) Use a grammar checker.  I prefer Grammarly.  It checks not only grammar but other writing faux pas as well, such as overuse of commas, (my personal weakness), syntax, spelling, wordiness, style, punctuation, and even plagiarism.

3) Remember most writing mistakes are due to carelessness, so don't be offended by grammar checkers, they are there to help you express yourself more effectively and keep you from looking foolish due to careless mistakes.

4) Take a break from writing and come back later to review what you have written. It is surprising how a fresh look can make a big difference in how you write.  Remember there are many ways to express the same thought.  You are just looking for the most effective way to accomplish this.

5) Don't try to impress with big words.  Use vocabulary that you understand well that falls within your comfort zone. (Notice I did not say vocabulary you are comfortable with. – so I did not end the sentence with a proposition).

6) Use synonyms.  Try not to repeat the same word twice.  Google is always available to help you with this.

7) If you are writing professionally, or for clients, you may want to hire a writing coach to review your work.  This can be a great learning experience.  I recommend editors at https://www.editorr.com/  The price is not the cheapest out there, but the quality of their editorial work is outstanding.  If you want to hire a writer, I recommend https://www.textbroker.com/

Remember that anyone can write, but it takes a great deal of practice and some effort to write well.

Best of success in all your endeavors.

John Lombaerde
